STORM Static-Centrifugal Classifiers
Looking to replace worn classifiers on your ball tube mill or possibly needing an alternative to improve fuel fineness and distribution?
Reduce 50 Mesh (Coarse Particles)
Improved swirl, fuel homogenization, and fuel distribution
Reduction of carbon in ash (LOI)
If the overall combustion performance, including NOx, fineness, fuel distribution, LOI, and superheater slagging cannot be improved with ball charge changes, then consideration should be given to the installation of static-centrifugal classifiers. These classifiers provide the appropriate capability to achieve desired fuel fineness levels. A static-centrifugal classifier functions not only as a classifier but also homogenizes the fuel distribution from pipe to pipe. This mixing function is equally important as coarse particles return to the pulverizer. STORM® designed static classifiers are field-proven on Ball Tube and Attrita type mills. In many plants, they offer the most technically feasible solution, compatible with burner and other reduced NOx changes.